28 APRIL 2021 – JOHANNESBURG: Every year on 23 June Olympic day is celebrated around the world, and the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) is proud to announce a partnership with Newton Sports Agency to bring Olympic Day to life for South Africans this year.
Used to commemorate the formation of the International Olympic Committee on this day in 1894, it is also a celebration of sport, activity, and health; motivating people to become their best selves, whatever their dreams may be.
“Olympic day is an important day for us because it is an annual reminder to strive to be our best in whatever we do. Participation, effort and overcoming through perseverance is at the heart of the Olympics and a pop-up museum, amongst others, will be used this year as an exciting exploration and reminder of these qualities. Adhering to the Olympic motto, ‘Faster, higher, stronger – together,’ we would like to ensure inclusivity of athletes and the whole South African nation as we celebrate and promote the values of Olympism.” says SASCOC president Barry Hendricks.
Lee-Roy Newton, MD of Newton Agency was equally excited about the day, “We are thrilled to partner with SASCOC to create a memorable Olympic Day, because we feel that the Olympic ideals of excellence, respect, courage, determination and friendship are something all South Africans can identify with and strive towards. We want to bring the Olympics and all it represents to life every year, and this partnership will allow this to happen.”
“What a better way to celebrate this important day in our calendar this year, as we count down exactly one month to go before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Thank you to Newton Sports for partnering with us” concludes Hendricks.