(Durban: August 15) Proteas women’s hockey captain Marsha Cox, South Africa’s most capped international took time off her busy schedule to share her vast experience with a group of enthusiastic young boys and girls during a hockey clinic at her former school last week.
The Commonwealth Games star conducted the coaching session on Friday August 15 at the Greenwood Park Primary School in Greenwood Durban, alongside her mother, Marion Marescia, a former teacher at the school and a hockey star in her own right
Marsha’s kit sponsor Kookaburra was also on hand to donate kit to the school which included 5 hockey sticks, and 2 hockey bags.
“I’ve always wanted to give back where it all started and to encourage the youngsters to work on their talent because the world is a small place. A few years ago I was just like the kids who are taking part in this hockey clinic and now I’ve travelled the world and met some really incredible people from all walks of life,” she said.
Nator, as Marsha is effectively known in hockey circles, marshaled a group of 40 young hockey hopefuls in a four hour long hockey clinic which was divided into two sessions with Marsha, Marion and the school’s hockey coaches working with a group of 21 junior pupils at the first session and 19 senior pupils at the second session.
School principal, Ian Africa said the school appreciated the initiative as part of an important step to nurture talent from a young age in order to have more success stories from the community. “This day will be remembered by many of these youngsters for years to come,” he said.
Kookaburra managing director Nicola Ludlow said the brand was only too happy to help when Marsha informed them of the clinic.
“Marsha is not only an ambassador for this community but for the country as well. As the leading sport equipment manufacturer we believe in what she stands for and know that this initiative will go a long way to empowering these youngsters to believe in their dreams. Hopefully some of them will go on to emulate their hero,” she said.